10-27【Oh Yong Geun】腾讯会议 GAP研讨班系列讲座之211


报告题目:Contact instantons and entanglement of Legendrian links

报告人:Oh Yong Geun(IBS & POSTECH)

时间:2022年10月27日 9:00-10:00

地点:腾讯会议号:457 690 920,无需密码


In this lecture, we first introduce a new analytical package of contact instantons to the study of contact topology and contact dynamics via the entanglement structure of Legendrian links. As an application, we explain a general existence scheme of Reeb chords between any pair $(\psi(R), R))$ of compact Legendrian submanifold $R$ and contactomorphism $\psi$ isotopic to the identity. As a corollary we give the proof of Shelukhin's conjecture via the geometric operation of Legendrianization of contactomorphisms.