09-15【周恒宇】腾讯会议  Geometry&Topology Seminar系列讲座之025



报告题目:Prescribed meancurvature hypersurfaces in conformally product manifolds

时间:2022年9月15日 14:00-15:00

地点:腾讯会议号:815 811 132,无需密码


 In this paper we characterize the  L^1 convergence of C^2 bounded functions such that their graphs have uniformly bounded mean curvature. As an application with Gerhardt's approximate process, we established the existence of closed or C^{3,alpha} compact  prescribed mean curvature (PMC) hypersurfaces in conformally product manifolds with its mean curvature equal to a C^{1,alpha} function under a natural barrier condition. Moreover, these hypersurfaces are homeomorphic to the underlying n-dimensional Riemannian manifold for 2=<n=<7. In addition, if a quasi-decreasing condition of PMC functions is satisfied, such PMC hypersurfaces are C^1 graphs.