04-28【Mahir Hadzic】ZOOM 偏微分方程系列报告


题目: Selfsimilar gravitational collapse

报告人:Mahir Hadzic(University College London)

时间:4月28日 19:00-20:00

地点:ZOOM Meeting ID: 811 7999 7799   Passcode: 740203

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摘要:A basic model of a star is obtained by coupling the compressible Euler equations to Newtonian gravity, which gives the well-known gravitational Euler-Poisson system. In the relativistic context, the relevant model is the Einstein-Euler system.

We present a series of recent works on the existence of imploding stars, which correspond to finite time singularities that form from smooth initial data and lead to the blow-up of fluid density. We shall emphasise the importance of scaling symmetries and the natural notion of selfsimilarity, which play a key role in our construction of collapsing stars. This talk is based on joint works with Y. Guo, J. Jang, and M. Schrecker.