03-26【Hongwei Liu】 腾讯会议 组合设计青年论坛


时间: 3月26号,周六上午8:30-12:00

腾讯会议ID: 990 822 732

1. 题目:Construction of MDS twisted Reed-Solomon codes

报告人:Hongwei LiuCentral China Normal University, China

摘要:Maximum distance separable (MDS) codes are optimal in the sense that the minimum distance cannot be improved for a given length and code size. Inspired by twisted Gabidulin codes, twisted Reed-Solomon (TRS) codes were firstly introduced in coding as a generalization of RS codes. MDS codes can be constructed from TRS codes, and most of them are not equivalent to RS codes. In this talk, we give two explicit constructions of MDS TRS codes. In some cases, our constructions can obtain longer MDS codes than that of previous works. Some other results will also be given in this talk. This is joint work with Shengwei Liu.




2. 题目:Circulant almost orthogonal arrays: statistical optimality and related combinatorial structures

报告人:Xiaonan LuUniversity of Yamanashi, Japan

摘要:Circulant almost orthogonal arrays (CAOAs) are a class of circulant arrays introduced by Y.-L. Lin, et al. (2017) for designs of fMRI experiments. In this talk, I will focus on two-level CAOAs with strength 2. After a brirf review on the background on fMRI experiments, statistical models concerning CAOAs, and the statistical optimality, I will introduce the relationship between a special type of CAOAs and combinatorial designs, as well as binary sequences. If time permits, I will talk about some algebraic and/or computational approaches on finding such CAOAs. This talk is partially based on joint work with Miwako Mishima, Nobuko Miyamoto, and Masakazu Jimbo.




3. 题目:Periodic and aperiodic correlation of sequences

报告人:Zilong WangXidian University, China

摘要:Constructions of sequences with desired periodic and aperiodic correlation of sequences are two completely separate fields in the literature for more than seven decades. In this talk, we first investigate the paraunitary-matrix-based method to construct (aperiodic) complementary sequence sets and complete complementary codes by Butson-type Hadamard matrices. Then we discover an extremely fascinating hidden connection between the sequences in (aperiodic) complementary sequence sets and complete complementary codes and the sequences with (periodic) ideal 2-level autocorrelation, through the trace function and permutation polynomials over finite fields.