11-23【陆斯成】物质楼C1124 Geometry&Topology Seminar系列讲座之003


题 目:Shearing coordinates and counting mapping class group orbit  

报告人:陆斯成  (复旦大学)

时 间:20211123日,周二, 下午 15:30-17:00   

地 点:科大东区 物质科研楼C1124


摘 要:Shearing coordinates, or cataclysm coordinates, was introduced by Thurston to describe a kind of deformation of hyperbolic structure on surfaces. It is a global parametrization of Teichmuller space, and has relations with the Weil-Petersson sympletic form. We study the asymptotic growth of the mapping class group orbits with respect to the standard Euclidean norm, in the case of punctured surfaces. The result is based on the works of Mirzakhani and the relations between the shears and lengths of simple closed curves. This is a joint work with Weixu Su.