11-22【聂兆虎】物质楼C1124 Geometry&Topology Seminar系列讲座之002


题 目:Classification and masses of solutions to Toda systems  

报告人:聂兆虎 (美国犹他州立大学)

时 间:20211122日,周一, 上午 10:00-11:30   

地 点:科大东区 物质科研楼C1124

腾讯会议ID928 943 6801,会议密码:444167


摘 要:To a simple Lie algebra, there is associated a Toda system, a system of semi-linear elliptic differential equations on the plane. The classical Liouville equation is the Toda system associated to sl_2. Toda systems are related to holomorphic curves and harmonic maps from C to P^n. In this talk, we aim to classify all solutions to the Toda system for a general simple Lie algebra, with singularities at the origin. The global masses of the solutions are particularly interesting. At the end, we mention ongoing work on solutions exhibiting more general type of blowup masses. This is based on joint work with C.-S. Lin and J. Wei.