11-09【赵 泉】管楼1418 国家数学与交叉科学(合肥)中心系列报告


报告题目:A sharp-interface approach for moving contact lines with soluble surfactants

报告人:University of Regensburg 赵泉

报告时间:11月9日 10:00-11:00



In this talk, I will present the derivation of a continuum sharp-interface model for moving contact lines with soluble surfactants in a thermodynamically consistent framework. The model consists of the isothermal two-phase incompressible Navier-Stokes equations for the fluid dynamic and the bulk\surface convection-diffusion equations for the surfactant transportation. The interface condition, the slip boundary condition, the dynamic contact angle condition, and the adsorption\ desorption condition are derived based on the principle of the total free energy dissipation. We then present finite element approximations for the derived model on the moving mesh, and the resulting numerical method is shown to conserve the total mass of the surfactants exactly. Numerical examples are presented to investigate the droplet spreading and migration in the presence of surfactants.