07-06【夏巧玲】腾讯会议 几何分析系列报告


报告题目:Some -Liouville Theorems on Finsler manifolds

报告人:夏巧玲 教授(杭州电子科技大学)

摘要:Let be a forward complete Finsler manifold with finite reversibility.  In this talk, we shall introduce some  -Liouville Theorems on  . In paricular, every nonnegative   subharmonic function on   must be constant. For  we will give  -Liouville theorems for nonnegative subharmonic functions on   with the weighted Ricci curvature bounded from below by a nonpositive constant. Further, we will give a sharp lower bound on the weighted Ricci curvature such that every nonnegative  subharmonic function on   must be constant (actually zero). 


腾讯会议,会议 ID:737 602 916