05-28【梁兵兵】腾讯会议 GAP研讨班系列讲座之199


TitleFrom finite groups to sofic groups

Speaker:梁兵兵  (苏州大学) 

Time2021528日,周五,下午  16:00-17:30  

Room:腾讯会议号: 572 283 2445;密码: 123456


AbstractIt is common to see that many nice dynamical invariants can be defined when the underlying acting group enjoys some nice approximation property, especially the amenability.  In 1999, Gromov introduced a large class of groups named sofic groups, which unify the class of amenable groups and residually finite groups. In 2008, L. Bowen successfully generalized the measure entropy from the actions of amenable groups to the sofic groups. We will overview some recent development concerning the sofic groups.