04-23【陆 玫】五教5106 吴文俊数学重点实验室组合图论系列讲座之169


报告题目:Perfect Matching and Hamilton Cycle Decomposition in Hypergraphs

报告人:陆玫 (清华大学 教授)

报告时间: 4月23号下午3:45-4:30



Let $K_{k+1,n}^{(k)}$ denote the complete balanced $(k+1)$-partite $k$-uniform  hypergraph, whose vertex set consists of $k+1$ parts, each has $n$ vertices and whose edge set contains all the $k$-element subsets with no two vertices from one part. In this talk, we will present some results on perfect matching and Hamilton tight cycle decomposition in $K_{k+1,n}^{(k)}$.