【4月14日-4月22日】 吴文俊数学重点实验室动力系统系列专题讲座


题目: Ratner's measure classification theorem for semisimple groups


授课时间地点:414日(周三)19:00-21:00    管楼1318

                        415(周四)  14:00-15:35     55306

                        421(周三)  19:00-21:00     55306

                        422(周四)  14:00-15:35     55306


摘要: Ratners measure classification theorem is (arguably) the most important result in homogeneous dynamics. It has many important applications to number theory. Moreover, the fundamental ideas in her proof inspired many other significant progress in dynamical systems, including Lindenstrausss fields medal work on measure rigidity of higher rank diagonal action on homogeneous spaces, the work of Benoit and Quint on random walks on homogeneous spaces, and the work of Eskin and Mirzakhani on SL(2,R)-invariant measures on moduli spaces of hyperbolic surfaces. In this mini course, I will explain the proof of Ratners theorem when the ambient group is semisimple. In the first lecture, I will give a general introduction and some preliminary results on Lie groups and representations. The second lecture will be devoted to the proof of simpler case where the measure is invariant under the action of SL(2,R). In the third and fourth lectures, I will explain the proof of the general case. I will try to be self contained and explain as many details as possible.