03-29【马 骁】腾讯会议 吴文俊数学重点实验室微分方程系列报告之2


题目:Wave turbulence and long time behavior of periodic dispersive equation 

报告人:马骁 (Princeton University)


地点:腾讯会议 点击链接入会,或添加至会议列表:https://meeting.tencent.com/s/PT6ncRlIaYrA

会议 ID:700 190 399


摘要:In recent years there has been an increasing interest in the long time dynamics of periodic dispersive equation. In this talk we discuss an important topic in this direction, wave turbulence, which focus on describing the kinetic energy distribution of solutions with randomized initial data. We first talk about several known results in this direction, then we turn to integrable system and sketch the proof that there is no wave turbulence in this case.