

报告题目:Integrable discretizations for classical Boussinesq system

报告人:刘青平 教授,中国矿业大学


腾讯线上会议号:727 1578 6336

摘要:In this talk, we propose and study integrable discrete systems related to the classical Boussinesq system.Based on elementary and binary Darboux transformations and associated B\acklund transformations, both full-discrete systems and semi-discrete systems are constructed. The discrete systems obtained from elementary Darboux transformation are shown to be the discrete systems of relativistic Toda lattice type  appeared in the work of Suris (1997)}and the ones from binary Darboux transformations are two-component extensions of the lattice potential KdV equation and Kac-van Moerbeke equation. For these discrete systems, their different continuum limits, various interesting reductions and Darboux-B\acklund transformations are considered. This is a joint work with Wenhua Huang and Lingling Xue.