01-26【范金萍】 腾讯会议 吴文俊数学重点实验室组合图论系列讲座之164


报告题目:Signature codes for multiple access channels with applications to multimedia fingerprinting and group testing

Speaker: 范金萍上海师范大学

时间:2021.1.26(周二) 3:00-4:00

腾讯会议:777 695 6738

摘要:In a multiple access communication system, multiple users communicate with a common information receiver through a shared medium (i.e. multiple access channel, or MAC). To communicate successfully, each user in the system is encoded to a unique sequence of n symbols (i.e. signature) which will be transmitted through the channel as an input if the user is active. For a MAC, it is desirable to design users’ signatures (i.e. a signature code) such that given an output, a small set of up to t active users can be uniquely identified from a large number of M users as efficiently as possible. In this talk, some new results on signature codes for weight binary adder channel and multiple access OR channel will be presented respectively as well as their applications to multimedia fingerprinting and group testing.