01-12【李本伶】腾讯会议 几何分析系列报告


题目: Reversible Finsler Metrics and Hilbert's Fouth Problem

报告人:李本伶 教授 (宁波大学)

摘要: Without the restriction of quadratic form as a Riemmanian metric,  a Finsler metric  can be reversible or not.Reversible Finsler metrics have different properties from Riemmnian metrics though they seem very close to Riemannian metrics. In this talk, we will discuss the reversible Finsler metrics of constant flag curvature. By considering Hilbert's fourth problem, the classification of reversible projectively flat Finsler metrics of constant flag curvature is given.

会议时间:2021/01/12 14:15-16:15 (GMT+08:00)



会议 ID:842 878 288