10-28【彭 兴】管理楼1208 吴文俊数学重点实验室组合图论系列讲座之158


报告题目:Bounding the fractional chromatic number of graphs

报告人:彭兴  安徽大学

报告时间:10月28日 10:30-11:30




In this talk, we consider the problem of bounding the fractional chromatic number of graphs with restrictions on the clique number. This problem can be viewed as a fractional analogue of a conjecture by Borodin and Kostochka. In particular, we prove that if the clique number of a graph is strictly less than the maximum degree, then there is an absolute gap between the maximum degree and the fractional chromatic number unless the graph is one of the few exceptions. This is joint work with Xiaolan Hu.