08-20【张希承】Zoom 天元基金几何与随机分析及其应用交叉讲座之169


报告题目:Singular HJB equations with applications to KPZ on the real line

报告人:张希承  武汉大学

报告时间:8月20日  周四 15:00

报告地点:Zoom ID: 2571159792


This paper is devoted to studying the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman  equations with distribution-valued coefficients, which is not well-defined in the classical sense and shall be understood by using paracontrolled distribution method introduced in GIP [15].  By a new characterization of weighted H\older space and Zvonkin's transformation we prove some new a priori estimates, and therefore, establish the global well-posedness for singular HJB equations. As an application, the global well-posedness for KPZ equations on the real line in polynomial weighted H\older spaces is obtained without using Cole-Hopf's transformation. In particular, we solve the conjecture posed in PR18. (This is a joint work with Rongchan Zhu and Xiangchan Zhu).