07-21【邢朝平】 Zoom-吴文俊数学重点实验室组合图论系列讲座之153


题目:Algebraic construction of locally repairable codes

报告人:邢朝平 上海交通大学

时间:2:00-3:00,7月21日 星期二

地点:zoom会议ID(520 767 8441)


Locally repairable codes, or locally recoverable codes (LRC for short) are designed for application in distributed and cloud storage systems. Similar to classical block codes, there is an important bound called the Singleton-type bound for locally repairable codes. An optimal locally repairable code refers to a block code archiving this Singleton-type bound. Like classical MDS codes, optimal locally repairable codes have some very nice combinatorial structures. In this talks, we will make use of automorphism group of rational function fields and elliptic function fields to present several constructions of optimal locally repairable codes.We wrap up the talk with some open problems in this topic.