【6月5日】USTC AG seminar Zhang Chao


题目: Integral Canonical Models Of Automorphic Vector Bundles


时间:2020年6月5日(周五) 北京时间 下午2:00

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会议 ID:629 5238 8656

摘要: The main goal of the talk is to explain T. Lovering's work on integral canonical models of automorphic vector bundles on (good reductions of) Shimura varieties of abelian type (Algebra & Number Theory 11, 2017). We will first recall Kisin's construction of integral canonical models of Shimura varieties, and then explain Lovering's idea and results.  If time permits, I will also indicate his later works on constructing certain F-crystals, as well as our applications (joint work with X. Shen) of these constructions to the study of stratifications on the special fibers.