11-29【王玉昭】管楼1418 微分方程系列报告


Title:Parabolic and hyperbolic Liouville equations

Speaker:王玉昭    (University of Birmingham, UK)

Time:2019年11月29号(周五)         上午    10:00-11:00

Room:东区管理科研楼   数学科学学院1418室

Abstract:We will talk about some stochastic partial differential equations (SPDEs), which arise naturally in the context of Liouville quantum gravity and are proposed to preserve the Liouville measure which has been constructed recently in the work by David-Kupiainen-Rhodes-Vargas. We construct global solutions to these equations and then show the invariance of the Liouville measure under the resulting dynamics. As a by product, we also answer an open problem proposed by Sun-Tzvetkov.