【8月18日-22日】Fundamental groups: Geometry and Arithmetic


Organizers:Yuichiro Hoshi (RIMS), Zhi Hu (USTC), Yu Yang (RIMS)
Date:August 18, 2019-August 22, 2019
Place:5207, the 5th Teaching Building, USTC, Hefei, Anhui, China

August 18 (Sun)
9:30 - 10:25Opening
10:30 - 11:30Kang Zuo (Mainz University)

An algebraic characterization of modular curves
14:00 - 15:00Shota Tsujimura (RIMS, Kyoto University)

Combinatorial anabelian geometry and resolution of nonsingularities
15:30 - 16:30Kazumi Higashiyama (RIMS, Kyoto University)

The mono-anabelian geometry of geometrically pro-p arithmetic fundamental groups of second configuration spaces

August 19 (Mon)
10:30 - 11:30Yuichiro Hoshi (RIMS, Kyoto University)

An anabelian open basis for a smooth variety
14:00 - 15:00Ippei Nagamachi (The University of Tokyo)

On the Hom version of the Grothendieck Conjecture for hyperbolic polycurves of dimension 2
15:30 - 16:30

Koichiro Sawada (RIMS, Kyoto University)

Reconstruction of invariants of configuration spaces of hyperbolic curves from associated Lie algebras

(16:30 � take photos)
August 20 (Tue)
10:30 � 11:30Toshiro Hiranouchi (Kyushu Institute of Technology)

14:00 - 15:00Akira Sarashina (RIMS, Kyoto University)

Reconstruction of curves in positive characteristic by their geometric fundamental groups
15:30 - 16:30Yu Yang (RIMS, Kyoto University)

On the topological and combinatorial structures of pointed stable curves in positive characteristic
18:00 �Conference Banquet

August 21 (Wed)
10:30 - 11:30Naotake Takao (RIMS, Kyoto University)

On anabelian geometry of moduli spaces of curves
14:00 - 15:00Yu Iijima (Hiroshima University)

On the centralizer of the image of the universal outer monodromy representation of the moduli stack of pointed smooth curves
15:30 - 16:30Jinbang Yang (Mainz University)

Explicit formula of self-map on the moduli space of graded Higgs bundles

August 22 (Thu)
9:30 - 10:30Takahiro Murotani (RIMS, Kyoto University)

A p-adic analytic approach to the absolute Grothendieck conjecture
10:50 - 11:50Ruiran Sun (Mainz University)
