Time | Speaker | Title | |
Jan.14 | 08:30-10:20 | Han, Qing | Asymptotic Analysis for Yamabe Equations |
10:40-12:00 | Lu, Zhiqin | Extreme eigenvalue problems on Riemannian manifolds | |
14:10-15:30 | Han, Qing | Asymptotic Analysis for Yamabe Equations | |
16:00-17:20 | Zhang, Zhenlei | Frequency and Estimates of Nodal Set of Harmonic Function | |
Jan.15 | 08:30-10:20 | Han, Qing | Asymptotic Analysis for Yamabe Equations |
10:40-12:00 | Lu, Zhiqin | Extreme eigenvalue problems on Riemannian manifolds | |
14:10-15:30 | Han, Qing | Asymptotic Analysis for Yamabe Equations | |
16:00-17:20 | Zhang, Zhenlei | Frequency and Estimates of Nodal Set of Harmonic Function | |
Jan.16 | 08:30-10:20 | Han, Qing | Asymptotic Analysis for Yamabe Equations |
10:40-12:00 | Lu, Zhiqin | Extreme eigenvalue problems on Riemannian manifolds | |
16:20-17:40 | Zhang, Zhenlei | Frequency and Estimates of Nodal Set of Harmonic Function | |
19:10-20:30 | Zhang, Zhenlei | Frequency and Estimates of Nodal Set of Harmonic Function | |
Jan.17 | 08:30-10:20 | Lu, Zhiqin | Extreme eigenvalue problems on Riemannian manifolds |
10:40-12:00 | Lu, Zhiqin | Extreme eigenvalue problems on Riemannian manifolds |
Date & Room | Time | Speaker | Title | Chair |
5206 | 14:00-14:05 | 李嘉禹 | 开幕致辞 | 麻 希 南 |
14:05-14:55 | 李嘉禹 | Compactness and singularity related to harmonic maps | ||
Break | | |||
15:30-16:20 | 马 跃 | Global solutions to wave-Klein-Gordon system in 2+1 dimension | 吴 云 辉 | |
16:30-17:20 | 肖 建 | Positivity in the inverse $/sigma_k$ equations | ||
5206 | 09:00-09:50 | 彭双阶 | Location and uniqueness of concentration solutions | 黄 正 |
Break | ||||
10:20-11:10 | 方子豪 | Self-Similar and Self-Conformal Solutions to Inverse Curvature Flows | ||
11:20-12:10 | 李文俊 | Steklov eigenvalues and free boundary minimal surfaces | ||
Lunch | ||||
14:00-14:50 | 王 兵 | Heat kernel on Ricci shrinkers | 刘 世 平 | |
Group photo taken, Break | ||||
15:40-16:30 | 朱 萌 | Li-Yau gradient bounds under integral curvature conditions | ||
16:40-17:30 | 李 平 | Nonnegative Hermitian vector bundles and Chern numbers | ||
Banquet | ||||
2104 | 09:00-09:50 | 陆志勤 | Analysis of the Laplacian on the moduli space ofpolarized Calabi-Yau manifolds | 葛 建 全 |
Break | ||||
10:20-11:10 | 王 芳 | Obata's rigidity theorem on manifolds with boundary | ||
11:20-12:10 | 宋 � | Singularity of Yang-Mills-Higgs fields on surfaces | ||
Lunch | ||||
14:00-14:50 | 金 龙 | Semiclassical measures on compact hyperbolic surfaces. | 陈 学 长 | |
Break | ||||
15:20-16:10 | 麻小南 | Generalized Bergman kernels on symplectic manifolds and applications. |
Room:Teaching Building No.5, Eastern District, USTC
Teaching Building No.2, Eastern District, USTC
Annex: Summary of the Conference Report
1.彭双阶 (华中师范大学)
Title: Location and uniqueness of concentration solutions
This talk is concerned with the following nonlinear Schr/"odinger equation $$-/varepsilon^2/Delta u+ V(x)u=|u|^{p-2}u,/,/,/,u/in H^1(R^N),$$where $/varepsilon>0$ is a small parameter, $N/geq 1$, $2<p<2^*$.For a class of $V(x)$ which possesses non-isolated critical points, we obtain the necessary condition, existence and local uniqueness of the positive single peak solution with concentrating at this kind of points. Here the main difficulty is the degeneracy and inhomogeneity of $V(x)$ at the concentrating point.2.马 跃 (西安交通大学)
Title: Global solutions to wave-Klein-Gordon system in 2+1 dimension
Abstract: In this talk we will present some results on the global existence of regular solutions to wave-Klein-Gordon system in 2+1 dimension. Compared with the 3 + 1 dimensional case, this problem is more delicate due to the slow decay of the solutions to the free linear wave/Klein-Gordon equation in dimension 2+1. We will refine some techniques developed in 3 + 1 case, including the normal form transform, the semi-hyperbolic frame and the conformal energy estimate on hyperboloids. Some new observations will be applied in order to obtain more precise estimates.
3.肖 建 (清华大学)
Title: Positivity in the inverse $/sigma_k$ equations
Abstract: We discuss a conjecture by Lejmi-Szekelyhidi, which is a numerical criterion on the solvability of inverse $/sigma_k$ equations over a compact K/"ahler manifold. We show how it is related to the positivity theory in complex algebraic and analytic geometry. In particular, we show how a weaker version of their conjecture can be verified by obtaining the desired positivity results for cohomology classes of bidegree (n-1, n-1) when k=n-1 or when the manifold is a 3-fold.
4.陆志勤 (UC Irvine)
Title: Analysis of the Laplacian on the moduli space of polarized Calabi-Yau manifolds
Abstract: In this talk, we first discuss some recently results on the extension of the Laplacian on non-complete manifolds. We then use our results into the analysis on the geometry of Calabi-Yau moduli spaces. This is joint with Hang Xu.
5.方子豪 (香港科技大学)
Title: Self-Similar and Self-Conformal Solutions to Inverse Curvature Flows
Abstract: In this talk, the speaker will examine a large class of curvature flows by degree -1 homogeneous functions of principal curvatures in Euclidean spaces. This class of curvature flows includes the well-known inverse mean curvature flow and many others in the current literature. Self-similar (and more generally self-conformal) solutions to these curvature flows are solutions that evolves homothetically (conformally resp.) without changing their shapes (conformal class resp.). We will talk about the uniqueness, rigidity, and constructions problems of both compact and non-compact self-similar (self-conformal) solutions to these flows.
6.李文俊 (香港中文大学)
Title: Steklov eigenvalues and free boundary minimal surfaces
Abstract: Steklov eigenvalues are the spectrum of the Dirichlet-to-Neumann operator on compact manifolds with boundary. These are geometric invariants which satisfy an additional conformal invariance on two dimensional surfaces. In a seminal work of Fraser and Schoen, they discovered an intriguing relationship between an extremal Steklov eigenvalue problem on surfaces with boundary and free boundary minimal surfaces in the Euclidean unit ball. In particular, they proved an upper bound on the normalized first Steklov eigenvalue only in terms of the topological type of the surface. In this talk, we will discuss some known results and open questions about the Steklov eigenvalues of free boundary minimal surfaces in the unit ball.
7.王 兵 (中国科学技术大学)
Title: Heat kernel on Ricci shrinkers.
Abstract: We develop heat kernel estimates on Ricci shrinkers. Using these estimates, we improve many classical theorems for closed Ricci flows, including no-local-collapsing, pseudo-locality theorem and curvature tensor maximum principle. As applications, we show that any Ricci shrinker with /lambda_2>0 must be a quotient of sphere. This is a joint work with Yu Li.
8.朱 萌 (华东师范大学)
Titile: Li-Yau gradient bounds under integral curvature conditions
Abstract: Li-Yau type gradient bounds has been widely used in geometric analysis, and become a powerful tool in deriving geometric and topological properties of differential manifolds. Since the celebrated work of P. Li and S.-T. Yau, numerous efforts have been made in improving the Li-Yau bound on manifolds with Ricci curvature bounded from below. In this talk, we will present our recent works on Li-Yau type gradient bounds for positive solutions of the heat equation on complete manifolds with certain integral curvature bounds, namely, |Ric_| in L^p for p>n/2 or certain Kato type of norm of |Ric_| being bounded together with a Gaussian upper bound of the heat kernel. These assumptions allow the lower bound of the Ricci curvature to tend to negative infinity, which is weaker than the assumptions in the known results. These are joint works with Qi S. Zhang.
9. 李 平 (同济大学)
Title: Nonnegative Hermitian vector bundles and Chern numbers
Abstract: In this talk we review a notion of nonnegativity for Hermitian holomorphic vector bundles introduced by Bott and Chern and its later development. Then we discuss our recent work around it, stressing the relations between analytic positivity and topological positivity.
10. 李嘉禹 (中国科学技术大学)
Title: Compactness and singularity related to harmonic maps
Abstract: In the talk I will review our recent works on compactness and regularity related to harmonic maps.
11. 王 芳 (上海交通大学)
Title: Obata's rigidity theorem on manifolds with boundary
Abstract: We study the Obata equation with Robin boundary condition $/frac{/partial f}{/partial /nu}+af=0$ on manifolds with boundary Dirichlet boundary and Neumann boundary conditions were previously studied by Reilly and Escobar, respectively. Unlike their resutls, the sign of $a$ plays a role here. The new discovery shows besides spherical domains, there are other manifolds for both $a>0$ and $a<0$. We also considered the non-vanishing Neumann condition $/frac{/partial f}{/partial /nu}=1$ and give a full discussion of the manifolds. This is joint work with Mijia Lai and Xuezhang Chen.
12. 宋 � (厦门大学)
Title: Singularity of Yang-Mills-Higgs fields on surfaces
Abstract: The Yang-Mills-Higgs fields are critical points of the famous Yang-Mills-Higgs functional which plays a fundamental role in quantum field theories. It is known that the isolated singularities of two dimensional YMH fieds are in general not removable. In this talk, we will give a sharp estimate of the singular YMH fields, namely, we establish a precise relation between the order of singularity and the limiting holonomy around that point. This is a recent joint work with Bo Chen.
13.金 龙 (清华大学)
Title: Semiclassical measures on compact hyperbolic surfaces.
Abstract: We study the behavior of the eigenfunctions of the Laplacian operator on a compact hyperbolic surface in the semiclassical limit. The quantum ergodicity theorem by Shnirelman, Zelditch and Colin de Verdiere implies that there is a density-one sequence of eigenfunctions converging weakly to the Liouville measure on the unit cosphere bundle. The quantum unique ergodicity conjecture by Rudnick and Sarnak states that the Liouville measure is the only semiclassical measure. The conjecture is only known in arithmetic cases by the work of Lindenstrauss and Soundararjan. We prove that semiclassical measures on compact hyperbolic surfaces always have full support on the unit cosphere bundle. The key ingredient is the fractal uncertainty principle of Bourgain-Dyatlov, which states that no function can localize close to fractal sets both in position and frequency. This is joint work with Semyon Dyatlov.
14.麻小南 (巴黎七大)
Title: Generalized Bergman kernels on symplectic manifolds and applications.
Abstract: A suitable notion of “holomorphic section” of a prequantum line bundle on a compact symplectic manifold is the eigensections of low energy of the Bochner Laplacian acting on high $p$-tensor powers of the prequantum line bundle. We explain the asymptotic expansion of the corresponding kernel of the orthogonal projection as the power p tends to infinity. This implies the compact symplectic manifold can be embedded in the corresponding projective space. With extra effort, we show the Fubini-Study metrics induced by these embeddings converge at speed rate $1/p^{2}$ to the symplectic form. We explain also its implication on Berezin-Toeplitz quantizations.