Title: Introduction to Teichmuller Theory
Speaker: 黄 炎 (河南大学)
Time: 2018年12月15日(周六) 上午 09:00-10:30, 10:40-12:10
2018年12月22日(周六) 上午 09:00-10:30, 10:40-12:10
Room:东区管理科研楼 数学科学学院1418室
Abstract: The study of Teichmuller dynamical systems is active at present. It is well-known that Teichmuller flow is the geodesic flow of the Teichmuller space with respect to the Teichmuller metric. To show that, I will explain the complex structure of the Teichmuller space as well as the Teichmuller metric.
1. Nag S. The complex Analytic Theory of Teichmuller space.
2. Hubbard J. Teichmuller theory and Application to Geometry, Topology and Dynamics. Vol.1 Teichmuller theory.
3. Forni G.,Matheus C. Introduction to Teichmuller theory and its application to dynamics of interval exchange
transformations,flows on surfaces and billiards,JMD.