课程名称:An Introduction to Higgs Bundles
授课教师:李琼玲 (加州理工学院)
8月10日, 上午 10:10-11:40;
8月14日, 上午 10:10-11:40;
8月15日, 上午 10:00-11:30;
8月16日, 上午 10:00-11:30.
授课地点:东区管理科研楼 数学科学学院1418室
The aim of the course is to give an introduction to Higgs bundles and relation between moduli space of Higgs bundles, moduli space of flat connections and representation varieties. The first part of the course to explain the Hitchin-Kobayashi-Simpson correspondence for Higgs bundles on Riemann surfaces and the Corlette-Donaldson theorem relating the moduli spaces of Higgs bundles and semi-simple representations of the fundamental group. The second part of the course is to explain the representation variety and discuss some open questions in the higher Techmuller field.