研究生教育创新计划高水平学术前沿讲座【黄华鹰 】


课程名称:Conformal Module, Extremal Length and Quasiconformal Mapping
授课教师:黄华鹰 (安徽大学)
授课时间:4月13, 20, 27日, 5月4日(周五), 下午:14:00-15:30
授课地点:东区五教  5506

Firstly, we introduce two conformal invariants - module of a quadrilateral and a ring domain, and extremal length of the curve family. By means of the length-area method, Ahlfors-Beurling obtain the desired characterization of module-Rengel's inequality, the superadditivity and monotonicity , the convergence of the module. Secondly, we introduce the geometric definition of quasiconformal mappings by the module of quadrilateral and the analytic characterization of quasiconformality. Finally, we introduce the Beltrami equation and the existence theorem.