研究生教育创新计划高水平学术前沿讲座【崔巍巍 】(注意授课地点有变动!)


课程名称:Entire functions arising from "trees"

授课教师:崔巍巍 (德国基尔大学)




时 间 12月15日

10:00-11:30 12月16日


教 室 教五楼 5106 教一楼 1102


课程简介:The classical type problem asks for the conformal type of an open simply connected Riemann surface which is constructed in some specific way. The connection of the type problem with the function theory was studied by many authors, including Nevanlinna, Ahlfors, Teichm¨uller and Speiser. In this talk we continue to explore this connection. We will first give a topological and combinatorial proof of a result of Nevanlinna and then use similar ideas to show that certain entire functions can be constructed from some graphs which are in some sense close to trees from a large-scale observation.