4月15日 周六
8:30-8:40 | 开幕式 | |
8:40-9:40 | 报告题目: | Harmonic mappings for bounded distortion shape deformation and interpolation |
报告人: | 陈仁杰 德国马克斯普朗克计算机研究所 | |
报告摘要: | Harmonic mappings are extensively used in geometry processing applications to produce visually appealing deformations. We establish the sufficient and necessary conditions for a harmonic planar mapping to have bounded distortion. Our key observation is that these conditions relate solely to the boundary behavior of the mapping. This leads to an efficient and accurate algorithm that supports handle-based interactive shape-and-image deformation and is demonstrated to outperform other state-of-the-art methods. The particular structure of harmonic mappings further allows efficient shape interpolation. Given the closed-form expressions for the interpolants, our interpolation algorithm runs embarrassingly in parallel and is orders of magnitude faster than state-of-the-art methods due to its simplicity, yet it produces mappings that are superior to those existing techniques due to guaranteed bounds on geometric distortions. | |
9:50-10:50 | 报告题目: | Weak approximation for 0-cycles on products of varieties |
报告人: | 梁永祺 巴黎七大 | |
报告摘要: | We consider the sequence
| |
11:00-12:00 | 报告题目: | The monodromy theorem for compact Kähler manifolds and smooth quasi-projective varieties |
| 报告人: | 刘永强 KU Leuven |
| 报告摘要: | Given any connected topological space X, assume that there exists an epimorphism from the fundamental group of X to the free ableian group Z. The deck transformation group Z acts on the associated infinite cyclic cover of X, hence on the homology group of the covering space with complex coefficients. This action induces a linear automorphism on the torsion part of the homology group as a module over the complex Laurent polynomial ring, which is a finite dimensional complex vector space. We study the sizes of the Jordan blocks of this linear automorphism. When X is a compact K/"ahler manifold, we show that all the Jordan blocks are of size one. When X is a smooth complex quasi-projective variety, we give an upper bound on the sizes of the Jordan blocks, which is an analogue of the Monodromy Theorem for the local Milnor fibration. This is a joint work with Nero Budur and Botong Wang. |
12:00-14:00 | Lunch & break | |
14:00-15:00 | 报告题目: | Boundary $C^{1,/alpha}$ regularity of Potential functions in Optimal transportation |
报告人: | 陈世炳 澳洲国立大学 | |
报告摘要: | We provide a different proof for the global $C^{1,/alpha}$ regularity of potential functions in optimal transport problem, which was originally proved by Caffarelli. Moreover, our method applies to a more general class of domains. This is based on a joint work with Elina Andriyanova. | |
15:10-16:10 | 报告题目: | Scaling Limits of Critical Inhomogeneous Random Graphs |
报告人: | Minmin Wang Institut Henri-Poincaré and University of Bath | |
报告摘要: | Branching processes are known to be useful tools in the study of random graphs, in particular in understanding the appearance of a phase transition in the sizes of the largest clusters of the graphs. Recently, growing interests are paid to inhomogeneous random graphs. In this talk, we look at one particular model of such graphs, called the Poisson random graph, where edges are formed with probabilities proportional to some prescribes weights on the vertices. One challenge in the study of inhomogeneous random graphs is to describe the geometry of the graphs around the critical point. In the case of Poisson random graph, we obtain a simple representation of the graph using Galton-Watson trees (genealogy trees of branching processes). Relying on this representation and previous works of Duquesne & Le Gall on the convergence of Galton-Watson trees, we prove that in the critical window, the scaling limits of the largest components of the Poisson random graphs are a collection of almost-tree-like compact metric spaces, which can be constructed explicitly from the so-called Levy processes without replacement. | |
16:20-17:20 | 报告题目: | Computing with functions |
报告人: | Kuan Xu, University of Kent | |
报告摘要: | In very recent years, the idea of computing with functions has been sparkled by the endeavor of the Chebfun project. Polynomial approximations of functions enables functional operations and operators of all kinds to be numerically approximated using fast, accurate, and robust algorithms based on these approximations, giving people the feel of symbolic computing but with the lightning speed of numerical computation. The idea of computing with functions has also extended to the solution of differential and integral equations. In this talk, the core idea of computing with functions and the underlying mathematics of Chebfun project will be discussed with the aid of hands-on-keyboard demos. | |
17:30- | Dinner |
4月16日周日全天 会后讨论