Workshop on mathematics of quantum field theory and strings schedule



Place: All talks are in room 1611

Claim: All are welcome to participate the workshop for active discussions. All talks are oriented for discussions.


Day 1, August 10

(Theme: BV language for mathematicians and physicists)

Morning: 9am � 12 am (3 hours)

A.      Losev: Introduction to BV Language ( 3 morning hours)

Lunch break (12am � 1pm): USTC guest house

Afternoon: 1pm � 6 pm  (5 hours)

A.      Milekhin: Introduction to Wen’s work on topological order

Xuexing Lu: Combinatorics approach of graph calculus


Day 2, August 11

(Theme: Different languages for QFT, divergences (therefore configuration spaces), regular geometries)

Morning: 9am � 12 am

A.      Losev: General picture of QFT (2 hours)

Zhi Chen: Cohomology of configuration spaces and knot invariants (11-00)

Lunch break: 12pm � 1pm (USTC guest house)


Afternoon: 1pm � 6 pm

Bailin Song: Quantization of sigma models of generalized Calabi-Yaumanifold(13-00)

A.      Milekhin: On Wen’s theory of topological order

Zhou Guodong: Batalin-Vilkovisky structure in Hochschild Cohomology and Poisson Cohomology

Day 3, August 12 � Trip to Yellow Mountains


Day 4, August 13

 (Theme: Interesting solutions to BV and different geometrical applications)

Morning: 9am � 12 pm

Qin Li: B-model from BV

Minxin Huang: Topological strings (optional)

Lunch break: 12pm � 1 pm (USTC guest house)

Afternoon: 1pm � 6 pm

Zhi Hu: Variation of Hodge structures of generalized Kahler manifold

S. Hu: On Noncommutativity I


Day 5, August 14


Morning: 9am � 12 pm

Peng Liu: Knot invariants from the Yang-Yang functional

Rosly-Polyubin: On conformal anomaly in SD Yang-Mills

Lunch break: 12pm � 1 pm (USTC guest house)

Afternoon: 1pm � 6 pm

A. Losev: Higher Morse theory vs GMW

P. Mnev: TBA

S. Hu: On Noncommutativity II