2015年几何暑期学校系列课程【Laurentiu Maxim】


课程名称:Intersection homology

授 课 人:Prof. Laurentiu Maxim  (University of Wisconsin Madison, USA)

课时安排: 5月26日―6月18日 周一,周三 9:30―11:30 


课程摘要:The intersection homology of Goresky-MacPherson is a homology theory well-suited for the study of singular spaces. I will first introduce intersection homology in the geometric way, i.e. using chains that meet the strata of a singular space in a controlled way, and I will prove the basic properties of this theory, e.g. that it satisfies Poincare Duality (while the usual homology does not). If time permits, I will also characterize the intersection (co)homology groups in terms of sheaves (using a description due to P. Deligne), and describe various applications to Singularity theory.