Sino-Russian Mini-Workshop on Group Theory


Sino-Russian Mini-Workshop on Group Theory


Date: 2014.5.31 - 2014.6.1

PlaceRoom 1518, R & D Building, School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Science and Technology of China

OrganizerWenbin Guo, Sen Hu



May 31

9:00-9:30    E. Vdovin      Groups of induced automorphism and their application

9:30-10:00   Xiuyun Guo    Wielandt subgroups and the normalizers in finite groups

10:00-10:30  Qinghai Zhang  On Hua and Tuan's conjecture and related results

10:40-11:10  D. Revin       Characterization of some radicals of finite groups

11:10-11:40  Weijun Liu     Groups PSL(n, q) and 3 -(v,k,1) designs


14:40-15:10   Long Miao    On the generalized hypercentre of finite groups

15:20-15:50   Lijun Huo     Generalized normal embedding property of subgroups and automorphism group of generalized orthogonal graph.  

15:50-16:20   Xiaoyu Chen  On π-property and transitive relation of SS-quasinormality of finite groups.

16:20-16:50   Xiaolong Yu  The influence of generalized permutable and generalized supplemented subgroups on the structure of finite groups


June 1

9:00-9:30     D. Revin     Hall subgroups: the Frattini argument and the pronormality

9:30-10:00    Baojun Li    Some new results on π-property of subgroups of finite group 

10:10-10:40   E. Vdovin    Symmetry groups for homogeneous polynomial of degree 4

10:40-11:10   Wenbin Guo  Between Complement and Supplement