2013年几何学暑期学校短期课程【Cristiano Spotti】


课程题目:Complex Curves and Surfaces
授课人:Cristiano Spotti (Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques)


The focus of the lectures will be on "classificatory aspects"  in low dimensional complex geometry, using both analytic/differential and algebro geometric techniques.
The course will be roughly divided into three parts:
Part 1, Overview of the Foundation of Complex Geometry: Complex, Kahler, Algebraic manifolds (definitions, examples); Line bundles (divisors), Sheaves & Cohomology.
Part 2, Compact Complex Curves: Basic theorems, e.g. algebricity, Riemann-Roch; Uniformization Theorem (proof of the existence of a constant curvature metric);
Examples and constructions of Moduli Spaces, e.g. (Hyper)elliptic curves. 
Part 3, Compact Complex Surfaces. Basic techniques. Examples. Birational Geometry of algebraic surfaces. Enriques-Kodaira birational classification of algebraic surfaces using Mori's Minimal-Model-Program framework.

Prerequisites: Functions of Complex Variables, Foundations of Differential Geometry. At some point some familiarity with (co)homology theories and some basic PDE may be helpful but not strictly necessary.

Cristiano Spotti 简介:

Cristiano Spotti, a wonderful talented young differential geometer who is a former student of Sir Simon Donaldson. His recent work with S. Sun and Odoka on moduli space of Fano surface is a fundamental work in Kaehler geometry. Among other things they proved,in particular, they also give a new, uniformed treatment to the well known theorem of Tian on the resolution of the Calabi conjecture in Fano surface. He is currently at IHES, France. His lecture is crystal clear.
