主讲人:尹希教授 哈佛大学物理系
地点:一教 302
教材名称:Polchinski's String Theory, volume I and II
Superstring perturbation theory:This is an intense two-week crash course on string perturbation with 20 lectures. We will begin with the quantization of the free bosonic string in Minkowskian space-time, first in lightcone gauge, and then in BRST formalism. Basic techniques of two-dimensional conformal field theory will be introduced along the way. We then quantize the free superstring in Neveu-Schwarz-Ramond formalism. Next, we will formulate string perturbation theory from the worldsheet perspective, and learn how to compute tree level and one loop scattering amplitudes. Finally, we introduce the pure spinor formalism of superstrings.
The prerequisites of this course are quantum field theory and generality, or the ability to learn quickly. No prior knowledge of string theory or conformal field theory is required. There will be a short homework assignment at the end of each day. The homework is a crucial part of the course, and should be completed in a timely manner.
1. Quantization of bosonic strings in flat spacetime,
2. Basics of conformal field theory and vertex algebra,
3. Quantization of superstrings in RNS formalism,
4. String scattering amplitudes,
5. Quantization of superstrings in pure spinor formalis.